
Created by Francesca 3 years ago

It's easy to throw around the words "one of a kind", but I truly have never met anyone like Karla before, and I know that I never will again. 

A demon on the tennis court; I'd always prefer to be playing with her than against her. The net interceptions, and slices spinning at pinpoint angles out of the tramlines were inspiring to watch, or infuriating in the championship matches we played against each other.

I consider Karla the inventor of the behind the baseline drive volley, which can only be described as inspired in a different way. And who can forget her score keeping - "no idea", or struggling to contain ourselves in Surrey League matches against extremely questionable line calls and almost constant lobbing.

I was always impressed by her commitment to continually improving, and I loved how she also wanted the best for everyone else she cared about too - which was seemingly pretty much everyone she met.

But I think it is off the court I'll have the happiest memories. She made me laugh so much. I like Jo's description of "enthusiastic opinions" in car journeys back from away matches, cackling over the most ridiculous behaviour we'd witnessed, or joking about the awkwardness of being presented with three bacon quiches. 

Karla propping up the bar with seemingly boundless energy late into the night, while some of us descended into a haze of red wine.

Casually dropping into conversation that a quite famous musician is "a friend from way back", or making an also quite famous potential new member feel very welcome at the club.

Having so much time, for so many people, and making the club - and elsewhere - the nicest place for everyone to be. And giving us, as her friends, so much support.

We have all been so lucky to have you in our lives.