You are not there..and yet you are

Created by Ambra 3 years ago


I can still hear your voice at the tennis club:

- loud sometimes (...and I miss that!)

- grumpy when you thought someone did not do the right (and I loved your sense of justice, which made us all smile in the few occasions you were wrong...because you were right most of the time!)

- loud but always with your beautiful smile...I don't think there was ever a day in which I did not see it on your face

You were such a strong presence, that even now that we can't see you or hear you any more, you are still there...and always will be!
One of the most recent times we played together, you wanted to make sure that the booking was for 2 a very serious tone you told me " I do not play for just an hour, I refuse!" That was so you! I wonder if you ever did somethig half way? So passionate and energetic...I think half way would have simply wound you up!

I do miss you my friend...but, call me silly or a nutter (as you would)... I do think you are still there on the courts with me...