Dear Karla

Created by Laura 3 years ago

Karla, you were the most generous, enthusiastic, talented and giving person I have ever known, with truly boundless energy, I just don't know how you fitted all you did in. I was always in awe of the number of hours you spent on the court as well as organising events, running the bar with Kirsty during the socials, serving the famous samosas and then tidying up after everyone in the small hours, when most of us were long gone - and then you probably went on to play a Surrey league match the next morning!

I will treasure our last car journey together, where we were stuck in south London traffic, and mostly chatted about food and Brazilian sushi, and even made you pop in on the way back so I could show off our attempts at making it, as ever you were so encouraging, though not quite sure what you really thought!

I will miss all your typos, and the utter confusion on Whatsapps that regularly ensued.
I will miss you trying to rope me into all sorts of schemes, though I'm so glad we did those pizza nights, and Kat and I conceded when we ended the night, and used up the last of the dough, that the ones you made were actually the best ones!
I will miss your injury treatment recommendations, I am sure most of the club has been told to douse themselves in castor oil at some point, and I will continue to do so.
Most of all I will miss you, your smile and the laughs we had.

You made such an impact on my life and so many others, we all loved you, and will miss you madly.

Laura x